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Upcoming Projects

Choreographer: South Pacific at The Engeman Theater in NY



"In a bit of a marvelous innovation, Weber has cast Mandy Modic as Young Norma, a silent dancer with the revolutionary grace of Isadora Duncan and sultry innocence of Clara Bow"       
- Chicago Sun Times on "Sunset Boulevard"

Choreography Reviews-

“Mandy Modic has created the most vital, vibrant, and enthralling show of this type I have seen in years” - The Berkshire Edge

"Mandy Modic's wonderful choreography is delightful adding to the comedic value" - Broadway World

"...Mandy Modic’s polished-to-perfection choreography."   
-Smithtown Matters
"The choreography in each musical number was unique and exquisitely executed."  -The Theater Guide

“The showstopping number of the evening was "Be Our Guest." This musical extravaganza, complete with dancing dishes, can-can dancing with high kicks, cartwheels, and splits, tapdancing, sensuous tango moves, and bubbles bursting out of Mrs. Pott's spout, had the audience laughing, clapping, and singing along.”

-Smithtown Matters

"The musical number of “Sixteen Going on Seventeen” was playful and impressive using props from the villa’s courtyard to assist them dance around during their flirtatious banter." 

-TBR NEWS media​​

Recent/Current Projects

Director: Legally Blonde at Music Theater Works in IL


Commercial/Print:  Fusion Academy commercial


Industrial: Blue Cross Blue Shield


Performing: Dance Captain/Agatha/Ensemble in Guys and Dolls at Drury Lane Theatre


Choreographer: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at the Engeman Theater in NY


Educational: Choreographed Newsies with BAM Theater

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